Please share your experience with the reception of WKSU Ideastream Public Media.

First and Last Name
Address Line 2
Phone Number
Email Address

Please provide detail on the places where you listen to WKSU.

Where do you listen to WKSU?
Please provide locations for the places you listen to WKSU (home, work, regular driving area). If exact address isn't known, please provide as much detail as possible: Street name, City, Zip Code

Please provide detail on the quality of the signal in the places where you listen.

Ideastream recently “boosted” its signal to improve reception on January 29th, 2023. Please answer the following questions regarding your reception before and after this enhancement.

Prior to 1/29/2023, how was your reception at home? Please skip if you don’t listen at home.
After 1/29/2023, how was your reception at home? Please skip if you don’t listen at home.
Prior to 1/29/2023, how was your reception at work? Please skip if you don’t listen at work.
After 1/29/2023, how was your reception at work? Please skip if you don’t listen at work.
Prior to 1/29/2023, how was your reception while driving? Please skip if you don’t listen while driving.
After 1/29/2023, how was your reception while driving? Please skip if you don’t listen while driving.

Please provide any comments you'd like to share with Ideastream Public Media regarding the recent signal boost

Please let us know all the ways you listen to WKSU.

Which of these ways of listening to WKSU have you attempted?
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